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Table-B, Chapter-2, Meat and Edible Meat Offal.

Chapter - 2 -Meat and Edible Meat Offal

Note 1 Beef includes meat and edible offal of cows, oxens and calf

Note 2 Offal includes heart, liver, tongue, kidneys and other organs.

Note 3 The export of chilled and frozen meat shall be allowed subject to the provision specified to the gazette notification on raw meat (chilled and frozen) under Export (Quality Control and Inspection) Act, 1963

Offals of buffalo too are subject to the same conditions of quality control and inspection.

Note 4 Export of canned meat products shall be subject to preshipment inspection either by the State Directorate of Animal Husbandry or Export Inspection Agency or Directorate of Marketing and Inspection Government of India in accordance with either the standards prevalent in the exporting country or standards prescribed under the Meat Food Products Order, 1973 under Export (Quality Control and Inspection) Act, 1963 or orders made thereunder

Note 5. Exports of gonads and other reproductive organs of buffaloes and the germplasm of cattle and buffaloes in heading 0511 require an export licence.

Note 6. Export of meat and meat products will be allowed subject to the exporter furnishing a certificate to the customs at the time of export that the above items have been obtained / sourced from an abattoir/ meat processing plant registered with Agricultural and Processed Foods Products Export Development Authority ( APEDA ).

Note 7. On the cartons for export of meat , the following details shall compulsorily be mentioned:-

  1. Name of the Product.
  2. Country of Origin
  3. APEDA Plant Registration No.
  4. Name of the exporter.

    S.No. Tariff Item HS Code Unit Item Description Export Policy Nature of Restriction
    18 0201 10 00 0201 20 00 0201 30 00 0202 10 00 0202 20 00 0202 30 00 kg Beef of cows, oxen and calf Prohibited Not permitted to be exported
    19 0201 10 00 0201 20 00 0201 30 00 0202 10 00 0202 20 00 0202 30 00 kg Meat of buffalo (both male and female) Free
    1. Export allowed on production of a certificate from the designated veterinary authority of the State, from which the meat or offals emanate, to the effect that the meat or offals are from buffaloes not used for breeding and milch purposes.
    2. Quality control and inspection under Note 3 and 4 respectively as well as condition stipulated at Note 6 above are required to be fulfilled.
    20 0204 10 00 0204 21 00 0204 22 00 0204 23 00 0204 30 00 0204 41 00 0204 42 00 0204 43 00 Kg Meat of Indian sheep Free Quality control and inspection under Note 3 and 4 respectively as well as condition stipulated at Note 6 above are required to be fulfilled.
    21 0204 50 00 kg Meat of Indian Goat Free Quality control and inspection under Note 3 and 4 respectively as well as condition stipulated at Note 6 above are required to be fulfilled.
    22 0206 10 00 0206 21 00 0206 22 00 0206 29 00 0210 20 00 kg Beef in the form of offal of cows, oxen and calf Prohibited Not permitted to be exported
    23 0206 10 00 0206 21 00 0206 22 00 0206 29 00 0210 20 00 kg Offal of buffalo except gonads and reproductive organs Free
    1. Export of allowed on production of a certificate from the designated veterinary authority of the State, from which the meat or offals emanate, to the effect that the meat or offals are from buffaloes not used for breeding and milch purposes.
    2. Quality control and inspection under Note 3 and 4 respectively as well as condition stipulated at Note 6 above are required to be fulfilled.
    24 0206 80 10 0206 90 10 kg Offal of Indian sheep Free Quality control and inspection under Note 3 and 4 respectively as well as condition stipulated at Note 6 above are required to be fulfilled.
    25 0206 80 10 0206 90 10 kg Offal of Indian Goat Free Quality control and inspection under Note 3 and 4 respectively as well as condition stipulated at Note 6 above are required to be fulfilled.

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