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Chapter - 57 Carpets and Other Textile Floor Coverings

Hs Code Description


5701000000 Carpets and other textile floor coverings, knotted, whether or not made up
5701100000 Of wool or fine animal hair
5701101000 Containing a total of more than 10 % by weight of silk or of waste silk other than noil
5701101010 Hand-made
5701101090 Other
5701109000 Other
5701109100 Other
5701109100 Comprising not more than 350|knots per metre of warp
5701109300 Comprising more than 350|but not more than 500|knots per metre of warp
5701109900 Comprising more than 500|knots per metre of warp
5701900000 Of other textile materials
5701901000 Of silk, of waste silk other than noil, of synthetic fibres, of yarn of heading 5605 or of textile materials containing metal threads
5701901010 Hand-made
5701901090 Other
5701909000 Of other textile materials
5701909010 Hand-made
5701909090 Other

UK Hs Code 5702 Carpets and other textile floor coverings, woven, not tufted or flocked, whether or not made up, including 'Kelem', 'Schumacks', 'Karamanie' and similar hand-woven rugs

5702100000 'Kelem', 'Schumacks', 'Karamanie' and similar hand-woven rugs
5702200000 Floor coverings of coconut fibres (coir)
5702310000 Other, of pile construction, not made up
5702310000 Of wool or fine animal hair
5702311000 Axminster
5702311000 Axminster carpets
5702313000 Wilton
5702318000 Other
5702319000 Other
5702320000 Of man-made textile materials
5702321000 Axminster
5702321000 Axminster carpets
5702329000 Other
5702329000 Other
5702390000 Of other textile materials
5702390010 Of jute or of other textile bast fibres falling within heading||5303
5702390020 Of sisal, of other fibres of the genus Agave or of Manila hemp
5702390030 Of cotton
5702390090 Other
5702391000 Of cotton
5702399000 Other
5702399010 Of jute or of other textile bast fibres falling within heading||5303
5702399020 Of sisal, of other fibres of the genus Agave or of Manila hemp
5702399090 Other
5702410000 Other, of pile construction, made up
5702410000 Of wool or fine animal hair
5702411000 Axminster
5702411000 Axminster carpets
5702419000 Other
5702419000 Other
5702420000 Of man-made textile materials
5702421000 Axminster
5702421000 Axminster carpets
5702429000 Other
5702429000 Other
5702490000 Of other textile materials
5702490010 Of cotton
5702490020 Of jute or of other textile bast fibres falling within heading||5303
5702490030 Of sisal, of other fibres of the genus Agave or of Manila hemp
5702490090 Other
5702491000 Of cotton
5702499000 Other
5702499010 Of jute or of other textile bast fibres falling within heading||5303
5702499020 Of sisal, of other fibres of the genus Agave or of Manila hemp
5702499090 Other
5702500000 Other, not of pile construction, not made up
5702501000 Of wool or fine animal hair
5702503100 Of man-made textile materials
5702503100 Of polypropylene
5702503900 Other
5702509000 Of other textile materials
5702509010 Of jute or of other textile bast fibres falling within heading||5303
5702509020 Of cotton
5702509030 Of sisal, of other fibres of the genus Agave or of Manila hemp
5702509090 Other
5702510000 Other, not of pile construction, not made up
5702510000 Of wool or fine animal hair
5702520000 Of man-made textile materials
5702521000 Of polypropylene
5702529000 Other
5702590000 Of other textile materials
5702590010 Of jute or of other textile bast fibres falling within heading||5303
5702590020 Of cotton
5702590030 Of sisal, of other fibres of the genus Agave or of Manila hemp
5702590090 Other
5702910000 Other, not of pile construction, made up
5702910000 Of wool or fine animal hair
5702920000 Of man-made textile materials
5702921000 Of polypropylene
5702929000 Other
5702990000 Of other textile materials
5702990010 Of jute or of other textile bast fibres falling within heading||5303
5702990020 Of cotton
5702990030 Of sisal, of other fibres of the genus Agave or of Manila hemp
5702990090 Other

UK Hs Code - 5703 : Carpets and other textile floor coverings, tufted, whether or not made up

5703100000 Of wool or fine animal hair
5703101000 Printed tufted
5703109000 Other
5703200000 Of nylon or other polyamides
5703201100 Printed tufted
5703201100 Tiles, having a maximum surface area of 0,3|m$2
5703201200 Printed
5703201200 Tiles, having a maximum surface area of 1 m²
5703201800 Other
5703201900 Other
5703209100 Other
5703209100 Tiles, having a maximum surface area of 0,3|m$2
5703209200 Other
5703209200 Tiles, having a maximum surface area of 1 m²
5703209800 Other
5703209900 Other
5703300000 Of other man-made textile materials
5703301100 Of polypropylene
5703301100 Tiles, having a maximum surface area of 0,3|m$2
5703301200 Of polypropylene
5703301200 Tiles, having a maximum surface area of 1 m²
5703301800 Other
5703301900 Other
5703305100 Other
5703305100 Printed tufted
5703305100 Tiles, having a maximum surface area of 0,3|m$2
5703305900 Other
5703308100 Other
5703308100 Tiles, having a maximum surface area of 0,3|m$2
5703308200 Other
5703308200 Tiles, having a maximum surface area of 1 m²
5703308800 Other
5703308900 Other
5703309100 Other
5703309100 Tiles, having a maximum surface area of 0,3|m$2
5703309900 Other
5703900000 Of other textile materials
5703900010 Of jute or of other textile bast fibres falling within heading||5303
5703900090 Other
5703901000 Tiles, having a maximum surface area of 0,3|m$2
5703901000 Tiles, having a maximum surface area of 0,3|m$2
5703901010 Of jute or of other textile bast fibres falling within heading||5303
5703901090 Other
5703902000 Tiles, having a maximum surface area of 1 m²
5703902010 Of jute or of other textile bast fibres falling within heading||5303
5703902090 Other
5703908000 Other
5703908010 Of jute or of other textile bast fibres falling within heading||5303
5703908090 Other
5703909000 Other
5703909000 Other
5703909010 Of jute or of other textile bast fibres falling within heading||5303
5703909010 Of jute or of other textile bast fibres falling within heading||5303
5703909090 Other
5703909090 Other

UK Hs Code - 5704 : Carpets and other textile floor coverings, of felt, not tufted or flocked, whether or not made up

5704100000 Tiles, having a maximum surface area of 0,3 m²
5704900000 Other
5704900010 Hand-made
5704900090 Other

UK Hs Code - 5705 : ther carpets and other textile floor coverings, whether or not made up

5705001000 Of wool or fine animal hair
5705001010 Hand-made
5705001090 Other
5705003000 Of man-made textile materials
5705003010 Hand-made
5705003090 Other
5705003100 Of man-made textile materials
5705003100 Tiles, having a maximum surface area of 0,3|m$2
5705003900 Other
5705003910 Hand-made
5705003990 Other
5705009000 Of other textile materials
5705009011 Of cotton
5705009011 Hand-made
5705009019 Other
5705009030 Of sisal, of other fibres of the genus Agave or of Manila hemp
5705009031 Of sisal, of other fibres of the genus Agave or of Manila hemp
5705009031 Hand-made
5705009039 Other
5705009090 Other
5705009091 Other
5705009091 Hand-made
5705009099 Other

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