(1) Import of naphtha is free.
(2) Import of SKO shall be allowed through State Trading Enterprises (STEs) i.e. IOC, BPCL, HPCL and IBP for all purposes with STC being nominated as a State Trading Enterprise (STE) for supplies to Advance Licence holders. Advance Licence holders shall however, have the option to import SKO from the above mentioned STEs including STC.
(3) Import is restricted in terms of Interim PIC Procedure of Rotterdam Convention on Prior Informed Consent procedure for hazardous chemicals and pesticides.
(4) Automobile industries, having R&D registration, are allowed to make free import of reference fuels (Petrol and Diesel) which are not manufactured in India, upto a maximum of 5 KL per annum, subject to the condition that the said imported reference fuels shall be used for R&D and emission testing purposes only.
(5) Import allowed through IOC subject to para 2.11 of Foreign Trade Policy, except for the companies who have been granted rights for marketing of transportation fuels in terms of Ministry of P&NG's Resolution No. P-23015/1/2001-MKT. Dated 8.3.2002 includind HPCL, BPCL & IBP who have been marketing transportation fuels before this date.