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Date: 01-02-2016
Notification No: DGFT Public Notice No. 58/2015-2020
Issuing Authority: DGFT  
Type: Public Notice
File No: F. No. 01/93/180/20/AM-13/ PC-2(B)
Subject: Amendment in ANF 2A of Appendices and Aayat Niryat Forms (2015-2020).

Government of India
Ministry of Commerce & Industry
Department of Commerce
Directorate General of Foreign Trade
Udyog Bhawan, New Delhi -110 011

Public Notice No. 58/2015-2020

New Delhi, Dated the 1st February, 2016

Subject: Amendment in ANF 2A of Appendices and Aayat Niryat Forms (2015-2020).

In exercise of powers conferred under paragraph 2.4 of the Foreign Trade Policy (2015-2020), the Director General of Foreign Trade hereby amends the ANF 2A [ Application Form for Issue / Modification in Importer Exporter Code Number (IEC)] and further notifies that:

  1. Effective from the date of this Public Notice, online applications for IEC will require only 2 documents to be uploaded electronically.ie. (i)PAN (ii) Cancelled cheque bearing entity’s pre-printed name or Bank certificate, besides the Digital Photograph of the signatory applicant.
  2. The manual mode of submitting applications for Importer-Exporter Code (IEC) as per the existing format will be withdrawn w.e.f. 1.4.2016.
  3. Application for new IEC will be accepted in online mode only w.e.f. 01.04.2016
  4. Thus, only online application for IEC /modification in IEC can be made by applicants through digital signature (Class-II or Class-III) w.e.f 01.04.2016. Applicants are advised to visit http://dgft.gov.in/exim/2000/digsig.htm for details regarding obtaining digital signature.
  5. The revised online format for IEC applications (ANF 2A) and Bank Certificate [ANF-2A (i)], as attached, is notified.
  6. After receipt of applications complete in all respects, decision regarding grant or refusal of IEC will be taken and communicated by the concerned Regional Authorities (RA) of DGFT within two working days, after processing the application on the basis of the check list, attached herewith.
  7. The facility of filing online application for IEC will also be available through e-biz portal of DIPP, after its integration with DGFT’s system.
  8. Persons seeking any benefit from any authority, by claiming status as manufacturer exporter, have to prove its credence for the same independently to that authority.

2. Effect of Public Notice:

Applicants can, with immediate effect, submit online application for IEC by uploading only 2 documents, besides their digital photograph. The manual mode of applications for IEC will cease to exist w.e.f. 1.4.2016 and only online applications for IEC /modification in IEC would be accepted with digital signatures w.e.f. 1.4.2016.

(Anup Wadhawan)
Director General of Foreign Trade
E-mail: dgft[at]nic[dot]in

[F.No. 01/93/180/20/AM-13/ PC-2(B)]


  • Applicants are advised to read the instructions carefully before applying. Note: The IEC application form can only be viewed in Internet Explorer. 11 or above, Chrome 6.3.2 or above with javascript enabled.

  • Effective from 1.4.2016 only online mode of application for IEC /modification in IEC will be available.

  • Applications for IEC /modification in IEC can be made online only by applicants with digital signature (class-II or class-III) w.e.f 1.4.2016.

  • Applicants are advised to visit http://dgft.gov.in/exim/2000/digsig.htm for details regarding obtaining digital signature from (n) Code Solutions CA; e-Mudhra; and Safescrypt [Sifycomm /Sify Communication Limited (Formerly SafeScrypt Limited)]

  • Online applications require only 2 documents i.e. (i) PAN; and (ii) Cancelled Cheque bearing entity’s pre-printed name or Bank Certificate, to be uploaded.

  • Signatory applicants seeking IEC are required to upload their Digital Photograph (3x3cm).

  • Online application form(ANF-2A) for new IEC/modification in IEC is attached

  • Format of Bank Certificate is as per attached ANF-2A(i)

  • Ensure that the documents are legible before uploading.

  • The documents should be uploaded in digital format–GIF, JPEG size not exceeding 5MB.
    o Ensure that details filled in the application match with details as in the uploaded documents, i.e (i) PAN; and (ii) Cancelled Cheque or Bank Certificate.

  • Information furnished in the application form will be cross-checked with the uploaded documents and verified with details available at http://incometaxindiaefiling.gov.in and http://www.mca.gov.in as per the check list attached (Annexure-I).

  • Applicants must ensure that their details as uploaded, and as available in the aforesaid websites, matches with the details as filled in the application form. Any mismatch in corresponding details will lead to rejection of application.

  • Applicants must also read through the General instructions as at the end of the application, before submission of the application, to ensure that the form has been filled correctly.

  • Applicants can also cross-check their application details as per the check sheet attached to ensure correct submission of information.

  • Online IEC applications once rejected will not be processed any further. Applicant’s desirous of seeking IEC will have to apply afresh, by paying the processing fees of Rs 500/-

  • Instruction for modification in IEC is detailed in Part G of ANF-2A.

Login for IEC Online

*Mode of Operation
(* Choose one of these options)
1. Create new application or open already created application
2. Create new e-IEC application where e-IEC was rejected.
3. Migrate/Modify old IEC to e-IEC, OR
4. Modify e-IEC.
Enter the following details in the fields provided i.e. Pan Number, Mobile Number and Email-ID and click on Generate Token.
**Mobile Number  
**e-mail id  

Generate Token

Two different 5 digits token number with the same serial number will be sent to your Mobile number as well as to your Email Id.
These two token numbers may be filled in the following columns to login to the IEC Master screen.
Mobile Token  
Email Token  

Remember the PAN, Mobile number and the E-mail id.
It will be required every time an applicant opens already created application; or the applicant desires to create new e-IEC application where e-IEC was rejected; or while modifying e-IEC.

Note: At every stage you can preview the application for correctness. An application can be modified any number of times till it is submitted for processing.

Part A

Part A Applicant Details
i. Name of entity in whose name IEC is required
ii. Address: (Registered Office Address is required in case of Companies/ Head Office Address is required for all other categories) Flat/Plot/Block No.:
State: District:
City: PIN Code:
iii Landline telephone no., if any (with area code)
iv Mobile No. Primary Mobile No.
Other Mobile No, if any
v Email ID / Website Address: Primary Email ID (for correspondence with DGFT): Alternate Email ID, if any:
Website (if any): FAX No.(if any, with area code)
vi Nature of concern / entity (Please select relevant category): 01-Proprietorship 06-Govt. undertaking
02-Partnership 07-Section 25 Company
03-Limited Liability Partnership 08-Registered Society
04-Private limited 09-Trust
05-Public Limited 10-HUF
vii: Preferred Activities : (Please select the relevant category) 01-Merchant Exporter 05-Merchant cum service provider
02-Manufacturer Exporter 06-Manufacturer cum service provider
03-Merchant cum manufacturer exporter 07-Merchant cum Manufacturer cum service provider
04-Service Provider 08- Others (please specify)
viii Bank Account Details of the Applicant’s entity:
1. Name of the account holder
2. Account Number:
3. Name of the Bank:
4. Branch address of the Bank:
5. IFS Code :
Part B : Branch Details
i Branch ID:    
ii Address of Branches, Divisions, Units, Factories located in India and abroad Flat/Plot/Block No.:  
Address line  
Address Line  
City: State:
District: PIN Code:
(Similarly fill in details of each branch)
Part C 1 In case the entity is a Proprietor firm :
1.PAN details of the entity Name of the Proprietor  
  as in PAN  
  Father’s Name  
  Date of Birth (DD/MM/YYYY)  
b) Residential Address Flat/Plot/Block No.:  
PIN Code:
PIN Code:
c) Aadhaar Card Number, if available:    
Part C 2: In case the entity is Partnership firm    
1.PAN details of the entity Name as in PAN
Date of Incorporation (DD/MM/YYYY)
2. Fill in the following details for each partner:    
a. Name as in PAN    
b Father’s name    
c. Date of Birth (DD/MM/YYYY)    
d. Residential Address of the Partner: Flat/Plot/Block No.:
Street/Area/ Locality:
PIN Code:
e. Mobile No.    
f. PAN:    
g. Aadhaar Card Number, if available    
Part C 3: In case the entity is a Limited Liability Partnership/ Private/ Public/Govt. Undertaking / Section 25    
1.PAN details
of the firm:
Name as in PAN
Date of Incorporation
2. LLPIN /CIN (whichever is applicable)    
3. Registration Certification No.    
4. Fill in the following details for each Partner/Director:    
a. Name /
Name as in PAN*
b. Father’s Name*    
c. Date of Birth (DD/MM/YYYY)*    
d. Director Identity Number    
e. Residential Address Flat/Plot/Block No.:
Street/Area/ Locality:
PIN Code:
f ** PAN
g. Mobile Number
h. Aadhaar Card Number, if available
* Not required if Foreign National and not holding a PAN.
**(Not mandatory in case of Foreign nationals complying with Ministry of Corporate Affairs General circular no. 12 /2014 in F.No. F.No.1/12l2013 CL-V dated 22nd May,2014 )
Part C 4: In case the entity is a Registered Society/Trust**
**( Individuals /Charitable institutions/ Registered NGOs importing goods, which have been exempted from Customs duty under Notification issued by the Ministry of Finance for bonafide use by victims affected by natural calamity may refer to the para 2.07 of Handbook of Procedure and use Permanent IEC No 0100000126)
1. PAN details
of the Society/Trust:
Name as in PAN
Date of Incorporation
2. Registration Number:
3. Details of the Secretary/ Chief Executive of the Society; or Managing Trustee of the Trust
a. Name as in PAN
b. Father’s Name
c. Date of Birth (DD/MM/YYYY)  
d. Residential Address Flat/Plot/Block No.:
Street/Area/ Locality:
e. Mobile Number
f. PAN
g. Aadhar Card No. if available
Part C 5: In case the entity is a HUF
1. PAN details of the Entity:
2.Details of the Karta
a. Name as in PAN
b. Father’s Name
c. Date of Birth (DD/MM/YYYY)
d. Residential Address Flat/Plot/Block No.:
Street/Area/ Locality:
e. Mobile Number
f. PAN
g. Aadhar Card Details, if available


i.  I/We hereby certify that :
A. the entity for whom the application has been made have not been penalized under any of the following Acts (as amended from time to time):
(i) The Customs Act, 1962,
(ii) The Central Excise Act 1944,
(iii) Foreign Trade (Development & Regulation) Act 1992, and
(iv) The Foreign Exchange Management Act,1999;
(v) The Conservation of Foreign Exchange, Prevention of Smuggling Activities Act, 1974
B. none of the Directors / Partners / Proprietor / Karta / Trustees of the company /firm /HUF/Trust, (as the case may be), is/are a Director(s) / Partner(s) / Proprietor / Karta / Trustee in any other Company/ firm / entity which is on the Denied Entity List (DEL) of DGFT;
C. neither the Registered Office of the company / Head Office of the firm / nor any of its Branch Office(s)/ Unit(s)/ Division(s) has been declared a defaulter and has otherwise been made ineligible for undertaking import / export under any of the provisions of the Policy;
D. we have not obtained nor applied for issuance of an Importer Exporter Code Number in the name of our Registered / Head Office to any other Licensing Authority
ii. I/We undertake to abide by the provisions of the Foreign Trade (Development and Regulation) Act, 1992, as amended from time to time, the Rules and Orders framed there under, the Foreign Trade Policy, the Handbook of Procedures and the ITC (HS) Classification of Export & Import Items.
iii. I/We fully understand that if any information furnished in the application is found incorrect or false will render me/us liable for any penal action or other consequences as may be prescribed in law or otherwise warranted.
iv. I/We hereby declare that the particulars and the statements made in this application are true and correct to the best of my/our knowledge and belief and nothing has been concealed or withheld therefrom.
v. I hereby certify that I am authorized to verify and sign this declaration as per Paragraph 9.06 of the Foreign Trade Policy.
  Tick the box as acceptance of declaration/ undertaking and fill in the details below.


Name of the applicant*:
Official Address:
Telephone/Mobile No:
Email of the applicant:
PAN of the signatory applicant*:

Note* Application has to be digitally signed by Proprietor/ Managing Partner/ Designated Partner /Director/ Secretary or Chief Executive of the Society/ Managing Trustee / Karta as the case may be.
1. Fee Detail

Reference No  
Transaction No  

*For payment of fee the applicant can use the Electronic Fund Transfer (EFT from the bank account of the applicant) or pay through his credit /debit card.

  1. Upload Digital Photograph; PAN card; and cancelled cheque or Bank certificate [as per ANF-2A(i)]
  2.  Preview Application to verify that all details have been filled in relevant columns like:
    1. IEC Master
    2. Branch
    3. Director
    4. Fees paid through credit /debit card or any designated bank online
    5. Digital Photograph; PAN card; cancelled cheque bearing entity¡¦s pre-printed name or Bank certificate have been attached
  3.  Sign the application digitally (Application has to be signed by Proprietor/ Managing Partner/ Designated Partner /Director/ Secretary or Chief Executive of the Society/ Managing Trustee / Karta as the case may be) and attach a scanned copy of the signed application online under the category "DCLDOC" .
  4.  Upload the application to concerned Regional Authority of DGFT online. Applications submitted to one Regional Authority cannot be transferred to another Regional Authority.
  5.  If an application is signed digitally by the applicant, it need not be sent in physical form to RA, DGFT. Otherwise manually signed copy of the application needs to be sent to RA, DGFT. Print out of the application form duly signed may be submitted through post or handed over physically in the office of the concerned Jurisdictional RA¡¦s office.
  6. On submission of the form, a confirmatory message/sms of receipt would be sent on the registered email/ mobile number. After processing of documents/details an e¡VIEC will be generated and sent through e-mail.
  7.  In cases of rejected applications , applicants can submit fresh application by re-login onto the ¡§Online IEC application¡¨ on DGFT website and filling the form afresh by paying processing fee of Rs 500/-.
  8.  An e-IEC holder shall update his profile immediately after issuance of e-IEC. ANF-1 of the Handbook of Procedure (2015-20) contains the profile of the importer/exporter. IEC Holder shall be responsible for updating the same as and when a change takes place immediately or in any case at least once in a year as per para 2.15 of Handbook of Procedure (2015-20).

Part F: Precautions to be taken while filing the application form:

  • Applicant must ensure that all details are correct and match with documents
  • DGFT, RA is selected as per its jurisdiction
  •  Requisite fee is deposited
  •  Checklist as in preview is complied with
  •  Please note you can use ( ` ) instead of ( ' ) and { } or [ ] instead of ( )

For any doubts refer to FAQ¡¦s at http://dgft.gov.in/exim/2000/iechelpfaqhtm/iecfaq.htm


(* Modifications in e-IEC needs to be corroborated with corresponding documents. Before seeking modification in e-IEC, kindly carry out necessary modifications in other requisite/supporting documents, and these documents are required to be uploaded as requisite proof of changes made.)

„h For modification:

1.Choose either of the two:
Migrate/Modify old IEC to e-IEC, OR
Modify e-IEC  
2. Enter the following details in the fields provided i.e. Pan Number, Mobile Number and Email-ID and click on Generate Token.  
IEC Number
**Mobile Number
**e-mail id
1. Two different 5 digits token number with the same serial number will be sent to your Mobile number as well as to your Email Id.
2. These two token numbers may be filled in the following columns to login to the IEC Master screen.
Mobile Token
Email Token
  • Applicant will then be able to view the existing details. He/she may modify the desired details and upload documentary evidence for the same.
  •  Procedure for modification/change in Branch Office/Head Office/Registered Office Address in IEC involving a change in jurisdictional RA has been laid down, vide DGFT¡¦s Public notice no.53 dated 5.1.2016.
  •  Preview Application to verify that all requisite details have been filled in relevant columns: IEC Master; Branch details; Director Details etc.
  •  Processing Fees of Rs 200/- be paid through credit /debit card or any designated bank online through net banking.
  • Select the Jurisdictional RA to submit the form.
  •  Sign the application digitally (Application has to be signed by Proprietor/ Managing Partner/ Designated Partner /Director/ Secretary or Chief Executive of the Society/ Managing Trustee / Karta as the case may be).
  •  Upload the application to DGFT, RA (Regional Authority of DGFT) online.
  •  If an application is signed digitally by the applicant, it need not be sent in physical form to RA, DGFT. Otherwise manually signed copy of the application needs to be sent to RA, DGFT. Print out of the application form duly signed may be submitted through post or handed over physically in the office of the concerned Jurisdictional RA¡¦s office

(To be issued on the official letter head of the Bank)
(Name of the bank/branch address detail)

Ref No. ...........................

To Office of the Regional Authority of DGFT

(please fill in the address of the concerned jurisdiction Regional Authority)

Sir/ Madam It is certified that M/s. (Name of the account holder)* ………………………whose address as per the bank records is ……… is/ are maintaining a Savings Bank Account / Current Account (tick whichever is applicable) No. ....... with us, since .................. ...

Affix Passport Size Photograph of the authorised account holder*

Note: The photograph as affixed and attested is of the account holder**.

[This does not apply in cases where the account holder is an institute/ company (LLP/ Private/ Public/Govt. Undertaking / Section 25 Company)]

(Signature of the issuing authority) (Not below the rank of Manager)

Designation ………....
IFS Code of the issuing bank: ………....
Email id of the bank: ………....
Date: ………....
Place: ………....

(Banks’ Stamp)

* Name and Address of the account holder is as per the records maintained by the bank.
**Account holder is the signatory applicant in the application form for Importer Exporter Code (IEC)

IEC application check-list
(RA’s office would process IEC applications, as per the following check list):

Sl. No Nature of check Details of the check YES NO  
1. Applicant entity’s details Proprietorship Firm    
(i) Check applicant entity’s details Whether the details of Proprietor (name), as filled in the application form, match with the name as in the copy of PAN uploaded ?    
(ii) Verify the uploaded PAN details Whether the details, as in the uploaded copy of PAN, match with the information available on the website of Income Tax Deptt ?*    
Applicant entity’s details Partnership firm    
(i) Check applicant entity’s details Whether the following details, as filled in the application form, match with the details mentioned in the uploaded copy of PAN?    
a) Name of the entity
b) Date of Incorporation
c) PAN
(ii) Verify the uploaded PAN details Whether the details, as in the uploaded copy of PAN, match with the information available on the website of Income Tax Deptt ?*    
(iii) Cross-check Partners’ PAN details Whether the Partner details, as filled in the application form, match with the details available on the website of Income Tax Deptt ? *    
Applicant entity’s details LLP/ Private/ Public/Govt. Undertaking / Section 25 Company    
(A) (i) Check applicant entity’s details Whether the following details, as filled in the application form, match with the uploaded copy of PAN?    
a) Applicant Entity’s name
b) Date of Incorporation
c) Permanent Account Number
(ii) Verify the uploaded PAN details Whether the details, as in the uploaded copy of PAN, match with the information available on the website of Income Tax Deptt ? *    
(B) (i) Verify DIN of Partner/ Director Whether the Partner/Director’s details, as filled in the application form, match with the DIN on the Ministry of Corporate Affair’s website ?**    
(ii)Cross check PAN details of Partner/ Director Whether the Partner/Director’s PAN details, as filled in the application form, match with details available on the website of Income Tax Deptt? *    
(C) Verify Company details with LLPIN/CIN Whether the Registration Number, Date of Incorporation and Company Name, matches information on the website of Min. of Corporate Affairs?***    
Applicant entity’s details Registered Society/Trust    
(i) Check applicant entity’s details Whether the following details, as filled in the application form, match with the uploaded copy of PAN ?    
a) Applicant Entity’s name
b) Date of Incorporation
c) Permanent Account Number
(ii) Verify the uploaded PAN details Whether the details, as in the uploaded copy of PAN, match with the information available on the website of Income Tax Deptt ?*    
(iii) Cross-check PAN details of the applicant Whether applicant’s name and PAN, as filled in the application form, matches the name and PAN available on the website of Income Tax Deptt?*    
Applicant entity’s details HUF Firm    
(i) Check applicant entity’s detail Whether the following details filled in the application, match with details available on the website of Income Tax Deptt ?*    
a) Applicant/ Entity’s name
b) Date of Birth/Incorporation
c) Permanent Account Number
ii) Verify the uploaded PAN details Whether the details, as in the uploaded copy of PAN, match with the information available on the website of Income Tax Deptt ?*:    
iii) Cross-check name of the applicant Whether Managing Trustee’s/ Karta’s name and PAN, as filled in the application form, matches name and PAN available on the website of Income Tax Deptt?*    
2. Check Bank details of the applicant entity Whether the following details, as filled by the applicant entity, match with the uploaded cancelled cheque bearing entity’s pre-printed name?    
Name of the Account Holder
Account number
Bank’s name
Bank Branch
IFS code of the Bank
3. Other Remarks, if any

PAN details of the applicant/entity /partner should be verified from the website of Income Tax Department by clicking on “Know your PAN” by filling in Date of Birth/Date of Incorporation and name of the applicant/entity /partner ( https://incometaxindiaefiling.gov.in/e-Filing/Services/KnowYourPanLink.html)

**Partner/Director details, should be verified from Ministry of Corporate Affair’s website by clicking on “View Company

Master Data” and accessing the “Verify DIN-Pan Details of the Director” by entering DIN as indicated in the application.


*** CIN; Company Name; Registration Number/Date of Incorporation should be verified from Ministry of Corporate Affair’s

Website by clicking on “View Company Master Data” and entering LLPIN/CIN as indicated in the application


  1.  Application forms with all “Yes” ticked would lead to an e-IEC being generated and emailed to the applicant. Applicant would also be informed of successful generation of IEC on his account through system-generated sms.
  2.  Applicant cant print his e-IEC.
  3.  Application forms with one or more “No” ticked would lead to rejection of the application and a rejection letter (with reasons) would be emailed to the applicant.

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