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DGFT Notification No.13/2015-2020
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(Issued from F.No. 01l941l801l06/AMI9/PC-4) |
Subject: |
Amendment in Foreign Trade Policy 2015-20
Government of India Ministry of Commerce & Industry Department of Commerce Directorate General of Foreign Trade
Notification No: 13/2015-2020
New Delhi, the 20th June, 2018
Subject: Amendment in Foreign Trade Policy 2015-20.
S.O. (E): In exercise of powers conferred by Section 5 of FT (D&R) Act, 1992, read with paragraph 1.02 of the Foreign Trade Policy, 2015-2020, as amended from time to time, the Central Government hereby makes the following amendments in Paragraph 4.29 (vi) and (vii) of Foreign Trade Policy 2015-20.
2. Paragraph 4.29 (vi) of Foreign Trade Policy 2015-20 is replaced as under: "Separate DFIA shall be issued for each SION."
3. Paragraph 4.29(vii) is replaced as under: "Export under DFIA shall be made from any port listed in Para 4.37 of Handbook of Procedures. However, separate application shall be made for EDI and non-EDI ports. In case export is made from a non-EDI port, separate application shall be made for each non-EDI port."
4. Effect of this Notification: Paragraph 4.29 (vi) and Para 4.29(vii) of Foreign Trade Policy 2015-20 is replaced enabling exporters to file single DFIA application for exports made from any EDI port and separate applications for export made from each non-EDI port.
(Issued from F.No. 01l941l801l06/AMI9/PC-4)
(Alok Vardhan chaturvedi) Director Gene Foreign Trade E-mail: