Government of India
Ministry of Commerce & Industry
Department of Commerce
Directorate General of Foreign Trade
Udyog Bhawan, New Delhi -110 011
PUBLIC NOTICE NO.25 (RE-2012)/2009-2014
Subject: Amendment in Para 2.64 of the Handbook of Procedures Vol I(RE 2012)/
2009-14 – Dispensing with the submission of physical copy of RCMC by the
In exercise of powers conferred under paragraph 2.4 of the Foreign Trade Policy,
2004-09, the Director General of Foreign Trade hereby amends Para 2.64 of the
Handbook of Procedures Vol I (RE 2012)/ 2009-14 as under:
- In Para 2.64 (Registration-cum-Membership Certificate), new Sub-paras (c) and
(d) are added after Sub-para (b). The new sub-paras will be as under:
“c. The EPCs/Commodity Boards/Development Authorities/other competent
authorities as prescribed in FTP/HBP shall upload the digitally signed RCMC data
of the exporters on DGFT website.
d. Submission of physical copy of RCMC with the applications submitted by the
exporters for any benefit or concession under FTP shall not be mandatory with
effect from 1.12.2012.”
- Effect of Public Notice:
Details of RCMC would be made available (uploaded) by respective EPCs/Commodity
Boards Development Authorities/other competent authorities. Accordingly,
submission of physical copy of RCMC by the applicants will not be required. This
will be with effect from 01/12/2012.
(Anup K.Pujari)
Director General of Foreign Trade
E-mail: [email protected]
(Issued from F.No.01/93/180/32/AM-13/PC-2(B)