Government of India
Ministry of Commerce & Industry
Directorate General of Foreign Trade
Policy 4 Section, Room No 210
Udyog Bhavan
Notification No. 43/2015-2020
New Delhi, the 5th November, 2018
Subject: Amendment in Para 4.32(i) of Chapter 4 and in Para 6.01(a) of Chapter 6 of the Foreign
Trade Policy 2015-20.
S.O.(E): In exercise of powers conferred by Section 5 of FT(D&R) Act, 1992, read with paragraph
1.02 of the Foreign Trade Policy, 2015-20, as amended from time to time, the Central Government hereby makes following amendment
in Para 4.32(i) of Chapter 4 and Para 6.01(a) of Chapter 6 of Foreign Trade Policy 2015-20.
2. Existing Para 4.32(i) of FTP 2015-20:-
“Gold jewellery, including partly processed jewellery and articles including medallions and coins (excluding legal tender coins),
whether plain or studded, containing gold of 8 carats and above up to a maximum limit of 22 carats.”
The amended Para 4.32 (i) of FTP 2015-20:-
“Gold jewellery, including partly processed jewellery and articles including medallions and coins (excluding legal tender coins),
whether plain or studded, containing gold of 8 carats and above up to a maximum limit of 22 carats.
The Findings like posts, push backs, locks which help in collating the jewellery pieces together, containing gold of 3 carats and
above up to a maximum limit of 22 carats.”
3. Existing Para 6.01(a) of FTP 2015-20:
“An EOU/EHTP/STP/BTP unit may export all kinds of goods and services except items that are prohibited in ITC(HS). However export of
gold jewellery, including partly processed jewellery, whether plain or studded, and articles, containing gold of 8 carats and above
upto a maximum limit of 22 carats only shall be permitted.”
The amended Para 6.01(a) of FTP 2015-20:-
“An EOU/EHTP/STP/BTP unit may export all kinds of goods and services except items that are prohibited in ITC(HS). However export of
gold jewellery, including partly processed jewellery, whether plain or studded, and articles, containing gold of 8 carats and above
upto a maximum limit of 22 carats only shall be permitted.
The export of findings like posts, push backs, locks which help in collating the jewellery pieces together, containing gold of 3 carats
and above up to a maximum limit of 22 carats only shall be allowed.”
4. Effect of this Notification: Para 4.32(i) and Para 6.01(a) of Foreign Trade Policy 2015-20 are amended to allow export of findings
like posts, push backs, locks which help in collating the jewellery pieces together, containing gold of 3 carats and above up to a
maximum limit of 22 carats only from domestic tariff area and EOU/ EHTP/STP/BTP Units.
(Issued from File No.01/94/180/236/AM19/PC-4)
[Alok Vardha Chaturvedi]
Director General of Foreign Trade &
Ex-officio Additional Secretary to Government of India
Email: [email protected]