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Date: 11-09-2018
Notification No: Trade Notice No. 30/2018-19
Issuing Authority: DGFT  
Type: Trade Notice
File No: F. No. 01l611l80/14/AM19/PC-3
Subject: Guidelines to apply for MEIS under the System Driven approval mechanism for MEIS applications for shipping bills from EDI ports

Government of India
Ministry of Commerce & Industry
Department of Commerce
Directorate General of Foreign Trade
Udyog Bhawan, New Delhi
Policy 3 Division

Trade Notice No. 30/2018-19

Dated: 11th September, 2018


1. All Regional Authorities of the DGFT

2. All Exporters/Members of Trade

Subject: Guidelines to apply for MEIS under the System Driven approval mechanism for MEIS applications for shipping bills from EDI ports.

The Directorate has been on regular basis taking measures to simplify the process of implementation of the FTP Schemes by establishing processes which are smooth, free from manual interface and are quick and efficient. In line with the Government of India's motto of facilitating the "Ease of doing business ", this Directorate would start the process of system driven approval of the MEIS claim Applications from 13.09.2018 in respect of exports made through EDI shipping bills. The procedure for exporters/ MEIS applicants and the RAs are being outlined below for information and awareness.

2. Information for Applicants:

1. The process of logging into the E com module would be the same as before. However, after entering the MEIS application window, the applicants would be prompted to select whether their MEIS claim is for Project Exports or not. The applicants are required to tick the relevant box in case they wish to apply for MEIS under Project Exports benefits as per procedure specified in Trade Notice 14 /2018-19 dated 30.05.2018. These applications would be submitted, but would be processed at the DGFT HQs as informed vide the above Trade Notice.

11. The rest of the application process is same for EDI shipping bills. However, the applicants are being informed that the Online module would not accept the submission of the MEIS application if,

a. The applicant firm (lEe) is in Denied Entity List! Suspended lEe/ Cancelled IEC.

b. The applicant's RCMC is not valid as on date of application.

c. The application is not made as per para 3.06 (a) of HBP 2015-20 under which the applicants are required to submit MEIS application for one financial year in one Jurisdictional Regional office. To ill ustrate, if an exporter has chosen RA Chennai for claiming rewards for exports made in 2017-18, then all claims for exports made in 2017-18, irrespective of the date of application shall be made to RA Chennai only. Date of export shall be reckoned as per criteria specified in Para 9.12 ofHBP

d. The shipping bills. already attached in any of the earlier applications and later disallowed for any reason whatsoever, would not be allowed to be accepted again under the new MEIS module w.e.f. 13.09.2018. Such shipping bills need to be re-activated before filing claims.For reactivation of disallowed Shipping Bills, Shipping Bills of Cancelled Scrips and Rejected Applications, a request letter has to be sent after examination of the issue by Regional Office to the EDI Division, DGFT HQ with a copy to NIC DGFT HQ, quoting the File No, Shipping Bill Number, Shipping Bill Date and Shipping Bill Port.

111. The applicants would also be prompted to select the mode of dispatch of the duty credit scrip. i.e, whether they want to collect the MEIS scrip in person from the Counter of the Jurisdictional Regional Office of DGFT or wish to have the scrip sent to them by post at the address specified. This choice needs to be necessarily filled in by the applicants in the online module. IV. After submission, the Online Module would segregate the applications into Manual (non-automated) and automated applications. The applications in which all shipping bills meet the following requirements would be approved by the system automatically at the end of submission process.

a. Shipping Bills from EDI PORT - Please note that SEZ shipping bills are non EDI port shipping bills for this system.

b. Shipping Bills having Let Export date on or after 01.01.2017.

c. No shipping Bill under the application should have any of the ITC(HS) codes as listed in Annexures to PN 62 dated 16.02.2018 and PN 13 dated 12.06.2018.

d. MEIS applications with Total Claim value of less than Rs.2 Crore.

v. The system approved MEIS applications would be available for printing at the Regional offices of DGFT and would be authenticated (attested). Scrips shall be dispatched as per option selected by the applicant.

VI. Further, the members of the trade may note that all kind of MEIS applications, except as in (iv) above would continue to be processed in the RAs as per the current practice through the non-automated procedure.

3. The EPCs and members of Trade are also informed that in order to transition to this new system of MEIS application processing, the E com module for MEIS, at the DGFT portal would not be available on 12.09.2018. This may be given wide publicity.

4. This is issued with approval of the competent authority.

(Issued from F. No. 01l611l80/14/AM19/PC-3)

(Lokesh H. D.)
J oint Director General of Foreign Trade


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