Government of India
Ministry of Commerce
Directorate General of Foreign Trade
Udyog Bhavan, New Delhi – 110 107.
Policy Circular No. 82(RE-08)/2004-2009
Dated 28th April, 2009
All Licensing Authorities;
All Commissioners of Customs;
Trade & Industry.
Subject : Import of waste paper.
Attention is invited to
Policy Circular No.78(RE-08)/2004-2009 dated 1.4.2009 on
the above mentioned subject.
- It may be noted that the applications submitted to the M/o Environment &
Forests for NOC are to be accompanied by the certificate of an independent
pre-shipment inspection agency for consignments which are shipped after
25.4.2009 (in place of 5.4.2009)
- To ensure that no unwanted material is imported under the garb of waste paper
during this interim period (till the consignments are received along with
pre-shipment inspection certificate), Customs would carry out a higher
percentage physical examination of imported cargo, than normally prescribed by
them under the rules. The consignments shipped on or after 25.4.2009, which do
not have the requisite pre-shipment inspection certificate, shall not be allowed
to be unloaded at the Indian ports.
- This issues with the approval of Competent Authority.
(O. P. Hisaria)
Joint Director General of Foreign Trade
(Issued from File No. M-5975/AM04/PC-IA)