Government of India Ministry of Commerce & Industry Department of
Commerce Directorate General of Foreign Trade
Notification No.
New Delhi, Dated: 7th September, 2017
Subject: TRQ for Raw Sugar: Amendment in import policy of raw sugar
classified under Exim Code 170114 of Chapter 17 of ITC (HS), 2017—Schedule-1
(Import Policy).
S.O. (E): In exercise of powers conferred by Section 3 of FT (D&R) Act, 1992,
read with paragraph 1.02 and 2.01 of the Foreign Trade Policy, 2015-2020, as
amended from time to time, the Central Government hereby inserts import policy
condition on ‘Raw Sugar’ classified under Exim Code 170114 of Chapter 17 of ITC
(HS), 2017 — Schedule — 1 (Import Policy) as under:
Exim Code |
Item Description |
Policy |
Existing Policy Conditions |
Revised Policy Condition |
170114 |
Raw Sugar |
Free |
- |
Import of items under Exim Code 170114 is “Free”. However, import up
to 3 Lakh MT of raw sugar is subject to Tariff Rate Quota Scheme (C 25%
Customs duty) as per conditions laid down below. |
2. (i) Import of 3 Lakh MT of raw sugar under Exim Code 170114 is allowed to
be imported by millers/ refiners at 25% Tariff Duty, through the following ports
in the southern states and corresponding Regional Authorities of DGFT, as in the
table below:
Name of the Port (Import allowed only through following Ports)
Application to be the Regional Authority of DGFT
(i) Tuticorin, and (ii) Chennai (Tamil Nadu), (iii) Karaikal
(Puducherry) (iv) Mangalore (Karnataka) (v) Kakinada, (vi)
Vishakhapatnam and (vii) Gangavaram (Andhra Pradesh) |
- Application importing through Tuticorin, Chennai and Karaikal
port are to submit their application to RA, Chennai;
- For imports through Mangalore, applicants may submit their
application to RA, Bangaluru;
- and For import though Kakinada, Vishakhapatnam and Gangavaram
applicants may submit their application to RA,
ii. Applications:
a. Applications are invited online from the intending millers/refiners
(having own refining/processing capacity for conversion of raw sugar to white
/refined sugar) of raw sugar for import of raw sugar as per ANF-2M of FTP
2015-20 to DGFT, at [email protected] with a copy to Regional
Authorities namely Chennai, Bengaluru and Visakhapatnam. Further, a signed copy
of the application shall be submitted to Regional Authority concerned and to
DGFT Hqrs. (Import Cell), Udyog Bhawan, New Delhi. Application fee for these
applications shall be paid according to procedure as per Appendix 2K of
Appendices & Aayat Niryat Forms. For each refining/processing unit, applicants
shall give self declaration of its refining/processing capacity while providing
self certified copy of latest IEM issued by DIPP and/or any other document
indicating its refining/processing capacity.
b. Applicants intending to
import under this notification must also indicate in its application the quantum
applied in response to the Notification No. 1 dated 5th April, 2017; the quantum
allotted and total imports made by the applicant firm against the allocated
c. The applications will be received between 8th September to 12th
September, 2017 (till 5 pm) (five days). The allocation of quota for each
eligible applicant shall be notified on 13th September, 2017, as per the
decision of the EFC under Para 2.51 of the HBP, 2015-20. The EFC, while
considering applications, will take into considerations; inter alia, the monthly
refining/processing capacity of the applicant, the quantity applied for by the
applicant and the total number of applications received under the notification.
Record of past utilization, will also be considered by the Committee. RA will
issue license/s as per the decisions of the EFC.
d. The importer shall
furnish the details of Letter of Credit /confirmed contract to the RA concerned
within 10 days of getting their import quota at sugarimporttrq–[email protected]. The
subject header of this e-mail shall be “Name of applicant / IE Code /quantity
applied in MT / Name of the RA where application is being filed. Non compliance
will attract penalty as per Para (iv) of this notification and automatic
cancellation of allocation.
e. The importer having furnished the
irrevocable letter of credit shall further import the entire quantity of raw
sugar, as allotted to the applicant firm, within 60 days of date of issue of
f. Actual user condition as in the Notification No.
68/2017-Customs (N.T.) dated 30th June, 2017 will be applicable on imports under
this TRQ scheme and importer shall convert raw sugar into white/refined sugar
within a period, not exceeding 30 days from the date of bill of entry or the
date of entry inwards, whichever is later.
iii. Validity of Quota: TRQ
benefit (25% Customs tariff) under this Notification shall be available up to 60
(sixty) days from the date of issue of license as per Section 15 of the Customs
Act, 1962.
iv. Penalty: If, after obtaining license under TRQ, the
applicant fails to utilize the quota fully/partially, the applicant shall
surrender the unutilized quantity to DGFT at [email protected] by 25th
September, 2017. In such a case, the applicant will be liable for a penalty of
0.5% of the CIF value of the unutilized quota. Failure to intimate the
unutilized quantity will further make him liable to penal actions under FT(DR)
Act 1992, as amended from time to time, in addition to the penalty of 0.5%.
V. Reporting: The license holders shall submit weekly statements (every
Monday) indicating the actual arrival of shipments at the Indian ports at
[email protected] ; [email protected] ; and to his jurisdictional
Regional Authority.
vi. Reallocation: The quota so surrendered or
cancelled, if any, will be allocated to other eligible applicants within a week.
vii. DGFT reserves the right to make any changes in allocation as deemed fit
at any point of time.
Effect of this Notification: Import of 3 Lakh MT of
raw sugar under Exim Code 170114 of Chapter 17 of ITC (HS), 2017—Schedule-1
(Import Policy) is allowed at 25% Customs duty under TRQ.
(Alok Vardhan Chaturvedi) Director General of Foreign Trade [F.No
No.01/89/180/Misc-13/AM-07/PC-2 (A)]