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32041630 - Reds New Duty Drawback Rates from Customs.

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HS Code Item Description w.e.f. Unit Drawback when Cenvat facility has not been availed Drawback when Cenvat facility has been availed All Industry Drawback Rate Notes
Drawback Rate Drawback cap per unit in Rs Drawback Rate Drawback cap per unit in Rs
(Chapter 28 -38 ) - Section VI-Products of the Chemicals or Allied Industries
32 Chapter 32: Tanning or Dyeing Extracts; Tannins and their Derivatives; Dyes, Pigments and Other Colouring Matter; Paints and Varnishes; Putty and other Mastics; Inks  
3204 Synthetic Organic Colouring Matter, Whether Or Not Chemically Defined; Preparations As Specified In Note 3 To This Chapter Based On Synthetic Organic Colouring Matter; Synthetic Organic Products Of A Kind Used As  
32041630 Reds
01-Sep-2008         Kg Not Mentioned in NTF
18-Jul-2007 Kg     Not Mentioned in NTF    
15-Jul-2006 Kg   Not Mentioned in NTF      
05-May-2005 Not Mentioned in NTF   Kg      
3204163001 Reactive Red C2G (Reactive Red 106)
21-Sep-2013       1.70% Fixed 1.70%
10-Oct-2012 Fixed   2%   2%  
22-Sep-2011 2.00% 2%       Fixed
20-Sep-2010   1.00%   1.00% Fixed  
01-Sep-2008   Kg Fixed   1.00% 1.00%
18-Jul-2007 1.10% 1.10%   Fixed Kg  
15-Jul-2006 Fixed 1.20% 3.20 1.20% 3.20 Kg.
05-May-2005 11.20 4.30% 0.60% Kg 1.60 Fixed
3204163002 Reactive Red EP 8B (Reactive Red-152) 21-Sep-2013   Fixed 1.90%   1.90%  
10-Oct-2012     Fixed   2.4% 2.4%
22-Sep-2011 Fixed 3% 3.00%      
20-Sep-2010 2.10% 4.30 4.30 2.10% Kg Fixed
01-Sep-2008 2.10% 4.30 Fixed 2.10% 4.30 Kg
18-Jul-2007 4.80 2.40% Kg 4.80 Fixed 2.40%
15-Jul-2006 2.50% 5.00 5.00 Kg. Fixed 2.50%
05-May-2005 9.50 1.60% Fixed 4.70% 3.20 Kg
3204163003 Reactive Red HE 7B (Reactive Red 141) 21-Sep-2013   1.90% Fixed   1.90%  
10-Oct-2012 2.4%     Fixed   2.4%
22-Sep-2011   Fixed   3.00%   3%
20-Sep-2010 Kg 2.10% 4.30 2.10% 4.30 Fixed
01-Sep-2008 Fixed 2.10% 2.10% 4.30 Kg 4.30
18-Jul-2007 Kg 2.40% Fixed 4.80 4.80 2.40%
15-Jul-2006 2.50% Kg. 5.00 Fixed 5.00 2.50%
05-May-2005 4.50% Fixed 2.60 9.00 Kg 1.30%
3204163004 Reactive Red HRBL (Reactive Red 198A) 21-Sep-2013 1.70% 1.70%       Fixed
10-Oct-2012 Fixed 2%       2%
22-Sep-2011   1%   Fixed   1.00%
20-Sep-2010   Fixed   1.00%   1.00%
01-Sep-2008 4.60 Kg 4.60 1.90% Fixed 1.90%
01-Apr-2007 Fixed 2.10% 5.10 2.10% Kg 5.10
15-Jul-2006 4.40 Kg. 4.40 Fixed 1.80% 1.80%
05-May-2005 Kg 5.00% Fixed 2.20 0.90% 12.90
3204163005 Reactive Red M5 B (Reactive Red 2) 21-Sep-2013   Fixed     1.90% 1.90%
10-Oct-2012 2.4%     Fixed   2.4%
22-Sep-2011 Fixed     3.00% 3%  
20-Sep-2010 1.00% Fixed 1.00%      
01-Sep-2008 1.30%   Kg   Fixed 1.30%
18-Jul-2007     1.50% Kg Fixed 1.50%
15-Jul-2006 1.60% Kg. 4.20 Fixed 4.20 1.60%
05-May-2005 8.90 Kg Fixed 2.10 3.40% 0.80%
3204163006 Reactive Red M-50 21-Sep-2013     Fixed   1.90% 1.90%
10-Oct-2012 2.4% 2.4%       Fixed
22-Sep-2011 3.00%   Fixed 3%    
20-Sep-2010   1.00% Fixed 1.00%    
01-Sep-2008   Fixed Kg   1.30% 1.30%
18-Jul-2007 1.50%   1.50% Kg   Fixed
15-Jul-2006 1.60% 3.20 Fixed Kg. 1.60% 3.20
05-May-2005 0.80% Kg 2.90% 1.60 Fixed 5.80
3204163007 Reactive Red M8 B CI Reactive Red 11 21-Sep-2013 1.90%   Fixed   1.90%  
10-Oct-2012 Fixed     2.4% 2.4%  
22-Sep-2011 Fixed 3% 3.00%      
20-Sep-2010 2.10% 5.60 5.60 Kg 2.10% Fixed
01-Sep-2008 5.60 2.10% 2.10% Kg Fixed 5.60
18-Jul-2007 2.40% Fixed 2.40% 6.20 6.20 Kg
15-Jul-2006 2.50% Fixed 2.50% 6.50 Kg. 6.50
05-May-2005 13.20 Fixed 5.10% Kg 1.50% 3.90
3204163008 Reactive Red ME4BL/Reactive Red ME4BL-Crude/Red 3BX (CI No. Red 195A) 21-Sep-2013   1.90% Fixed 1.90%    
10-Oct-2012 2.4%   2.4%   Fixed  
22-Sep-2011 3.00%   3%     Fixed
20-Sep-2010   1.00% Fixed     1.00%
01-Sep-2008   1.80% 1.80%   Kg. Fixed
18-Jul-2007   2.00% Fixed 2.00%   Kg
15-Jul-2006 2.20% 2.20% 5.80 Kg. Fixed 5.80
05-May-2005 13.20 1.10% 5.10% Kg. 2.90 Fixed
3204163009 Reactive Red V5B 21-Sep-2013 1.70%   1.70%     Fixed
10-Oct-2012 Fixed     2% 2%  
22-Sep-2011 2.00%       Fixed 2%
20-Sep-2010     1.00%   Fixed 1.00%
01-Sep-2008 Fixed 1.00%   Kg 1.00%  
18-Jul-2007 Kg   Fixed   1.00% 1.00%
15-Jul-2006 2.00 2.00 Kg. Fixed 1.00% 1.00%
05-May-2005 0.40% Fixed 1.90% 0.80 Kg 3.80
3204163010 Reactive Supra Orange H3RL (C.I. No. Reactive Orange 16)(containing 20%Lignine Sulphonate or any oth 21-Sep-2013 1.90% Fixed   1.90%    
10-Oct-2012 Fixed   2.4% 2.4%    
22-Sep-2011 Fixed   3.00%   3%  
20-Sep-2010 1.00%   1.00% Fixed    
01-Sep-2008 1.10% Kg     Fixed 1.10%
18-Jul-2007 1.30% Fixed 1.30%   Kg  
15-Jul-2006 3.60 Fixed 3.60 1.40% 1.40% Kg.
05-May-2005 Fixed 4.90% 1.80 12.60 Kg 0.70%
3204163011 Rhodamine B 500% 21-Sep-2013 1.70%       Fixed 1.70%
10-Oct-2012 2%       2% Fixed
22-Sep-2011   1%   Fixed   1.00%
20-Sep-2010 1.00% Fixed   1.00%    
01-Sep-2008 Kg 5.80 Fixed 1.90% 1.90% 5.80
18-Jul-2007 6.50 2.10% Kg 6.50 2.10% Fixed
15-Jul-2006 6.80 Kg. Fixed 2.20% 2.20% 6.80
05-May-2005 Fixed 3.40 1.10% 22.90 Kg 7.40%
3204163012 Reactive Red 250 21-Sep-2013 Fixed     1.70% 1.70%  
10-Oct-2012     Fixed   2% 2%
22-Sep-2011 Fixed     1% 1.00%  
20-Sep-2010 1.00%       1.00% Fixed
01-Sep-2008 1.30%       Fixed 1.30%
18-Jul-2007   1.50%   1.50% Fixed  
3204163013 Reactive Red 120 21-Sep-2013     Fixed   1.70% 1.70%
10-Oct-2012 2%       Fixed 2%
22-Sep-2011 Fixed 1%     1.00%  
20-Sep-2010 Fixed 1.00%       1.00%
01-Sep-2008 3.60 1.90% Kg 1.90% 3.60 Fixed
18-Jul-2007 4.00 2.10% 4.00 Kg Fixed 2.10%
3204163014 Reactive Red DS4B 21-Sep-2013   Fixed   1.70%   1.70%
10-Oct-2012     2% 2%   Fixed
22-Sep-2011 1% 1.00%       Fixed
20-Sep-2010       1.00% Fixed 1.00%
01-Sep-2008 1.80%   Fixed 1.80%    
18-Jul-2007 2.00%   2.00%     Fixed

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