HS Code |
Item Description |
w.e.f. |
Unit / Duty |
Notes |
(Chapter 72 -83 ) - Section XV-Base Metals and Articles of Base Metal |
72 |
Chapter 72: Iron and Steel |
7222 |
Other Bars And Rods Of Stainless Steel; Angles, Shapes And Sections Of Stainless Steel - Barsandrods,notfurtherworkedthanhot-rolled, Hot-drawnorextruded: |
72222091 |
Chromium type
02-Feb-2017 |
Duty Type |
Duty Rate (ADV) |
Duty Rate (SP) |
Unit |
ExciseCess : |
Cenvat : |
12.5 |
01-Mar-2016 |
Duty Type |
Duty Rate (ADV) |
Duty Rate (SP) |
Unit |
ExciseCess : |
Cenvat : |
12.5 |
01-Mar-2015 |
Duty Type |
Duty Rate (ADV) |
Duty Rate (SP) |
Unit |
ExciseCess : |
Cenvat : |
12.5 |
11-Jul-2014 |
Duty Type |
Duty Rate (ADV) |
Duty Rate (SP) |
Unit |
ExciseCess : |
Cenvat : |
12 |
01-Mar-2013 |
Duty Type |
Duty Rate (ADV) |
Duty Rate (SP) |
Unit |
ExciseCess : |
Cenvat : |
12 |
17-Mar-2012 |
Duty Type |
Duty Rate (ADV) |
Duty Rate (SP) |
Unit |
ExciseCess : |
3 |
Cenvat : |
12 |
01-Mar-2011 |
Duty Type |
Duty Rate (ADV) |
Duty Rate (SP) |
Unit |
ExciseCess : |
3 |
Cenvat : |
10 |
01-Mar-2010 |
Duty Type |
Duty Rate (ADV) |
Duty Rate (SP) |
Unit |
ExciseCess : |
3 |
Cenvat : |
10 |
07-Jul-2009 |
Duty Type |
Duty Rate (ADV) |
Duty Rate (SP) |
Unit |
ExciseCess : |
3 |
Cenvat : |
8 |
24-Feb-2009 |
Duty Type |
Duty Rate (ADV) |
Duty Rate (SP) |
Unit |
ExciseCess : |
3 |
Cenvat : |
8 |
07-Dec-2008 |
Duty Type |
Duty Rate (ADV) |
Duty Rate (SP) |
Unit |
ExciseCess : |
3 |
Cenvat : |
10 |
01-Mar-2008 |
Duty Type |
Duty Rate (ADV) |
Duty Rate (SP) |
Unit |
ExciseCess : |
3 |
Cenvat : |
14 |
01-Mar-2007 |
Duty Type |
Duty Rate (ADV) |
Duty Rate (SP) |
Unit |
ExciseCess : |
3 |
Cenvat : |
16 |
01-Mar-2006 |
Duty Type |
Duty Rate (ADV) |
Duty Rate (SP) |
Unit |
ExciseCess : |
2 |
Cenvat : |
16 |
01-Mar-2005 |
Duty Type |
Duty Rate (ADV) |
Duty Rate (SP) |
Unit |
ExciseCess : |
2 |
Cenvat : |
16 |