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Date: 07-07-2009
Notification No: Service Tax Notification No 17/2009 (ST)
Issuing Authority: Service Tax  
Type: Notification
File No: 341/15/2007-TRU
Subject: Supersedes notification No.41/2007- Service Tax, dated the 6th October, 2007.

Government of India
Ministry of Finance
(Department of Revenue)

Notification No.17/2009 – Service Tax

New Delhi, the 7th July, 2009

G.S.R. (E).- In exercise of the powers conferred by sub-section (1) of section 93 of the
Finance Act, 1994 (32 of 1994) (hereinafter referred to as the said Act) and in supersession of the Government of India in the Ministry of Finance (Department of Revenue) notification No.41/2007- Service Tax, dated the 6th October, 2007, published in the Gazette of India, Extraordinary, vide number G.S.R. 645(E), dated the 6th October, 2007, except as respects things done or omitted to be done before such supersession, the Central Government, on being satisfied that it is necessary in the public interest
so to do, hereby exempts the taxable services specified in column (3) of the Table below (hereinafter referred to as specified services) received by an exporter of goods (hereinafter referred to as the exporter) and used for export of goods (hereinafter referred to as said goods) pertaining to sub-clauses
of clause(105) of section 65 of the said Act specified in the corresponding entry in column(2) of the
said Table, from the whole of the service tax leviable thereon under section 66 and section 66A of the said Act, subject to the conditions specified in the corresponding entry in column (4) of the said Table:

Provided that–
(a) the exemption shall be claimed by the exporter for the specified service received and used by him for export of the said goods;
(b) the exemption claimed by the exporter shall be provided by way of refund of service tax paid on the specified service used for export of the said goods;
(c) the exporter claiming the exemption has actually paid the service tax on the specified service to its provider;
(d) no CENVAT credit of service tax paid on the specified service used for export of said
goods has been taken under the CENVAT Credit Rules, 2004;

(2) the exemption shall be given effect to in the following manner, namely:-
(a) the person liable to pay service tax under section 68 of the said Act on the specified service provided to the exporter and used for export of the said goods shall not be eligible to claim exemption for the specified service;

(b) the manufacturer-exporter, who is registered as an assessee under the Central Excise
Act, 1944 (1 of 1944) or the rules made thereunder, shall claim the exemption by filing
a claim for refund of service tax paid on specified service to the Assistant Commissioner of Central Excise or the Deputy Commissioner of Central Excise, as the case may be, having jurisdiction over the factory of manufacture, in Form A-1;

(c) the exporter who is not so registered under the provisions referred to in clause (b) , shall before filing a claim for refund of service tax, file a declaration in Form A-2 with the Assistant Commissioner of Central Excise or the Deputy Commissioner of Central Excise, as the case may be, having the jurisdiction over the registered office or the head office, as the case may be, of such exporter;

(d) the Assistant Commissioner of Central Excise or the Deputy Commissioner of Central
Excise, as the case may be, shall, after due verification, allot a service tax code (STC)

number to the exporter, referred to in clause (c), within seven days from the date of receipt of the said Form A-2;

(e) the exporter, referred to in clause (b) or (c) , shall file the claim for refund of service tax to the Assistant Commissioner of Central Excise or the Deputy Commissioner of Central Excise, as the case may be, having jurisdiction over the factory of manufacture, registered office or the head office, as the case may be, of such exporter in Form A-1;

(f) the claim for refund shall be filed within one year from the date of export of the said goods.
Explanation.- For the purposes of this clause the date of export shall be the date on which the proper officer of Customs makes an order permitting clearance and loading
of the said goods for exportation under section 51 of the Customs Act, 1962 (52 of

(g) for each taxable service specified in column(3) of the said Table, the exporter shall enclose all the documents specified in corresponding entry in column (4) of the said Table and the Form A-1 with the claim of refund;

(h) no refund claim shall be allowed if the same is for an amount less than rupees five hundred;

(i) where -
(A) the total amount of refund sought under a claim is upto 0.25% of the total declared free on board value of export;
(B) the exporter is registered with Export Promotion Council sponsored by the
Ministry of Commerce or the Ministry of Textiles;
(C) subject to the provisions of (A) and (B) above, each document specified in clause
(b) and in column (4) of the said Table shall be enclosed with the claim;
(D) invoice, bill or challan, or any other document issued in the name of the exporter, showing payment for such service availed and the service tax payable shall be submitted in original after being certified in the manner specified in sub-clauses
(E) and (F);
(E) the exporter is a proprietorship concern or partnership firm, the documents enclosed with the claim shall be certified by the exporter himself and where the exporter is a limited company, the documents enclosed with the claim shall be certified by the person authorised by the Board of Directors;
(F) the documents enclosed with the claim shall contain a certificate from the
exporter or the authorised person to the effect that specified service, to which the document pertains, has been received, the service tax payable thereon has been paid and the specified service has been used for export of goods under the shipping bill number;

(j) where the amount of refund sought under a claim is more than 0.25% of the declared free on board value of export, such certification, shall be done by the Chartered Accountant who audits the annual accounts of the exporter for the purposes of the Companies Act, 1956 (1 of 1956) or the Income Tax Act, 1961(43 of 1961), as the case may be;

(3) the Assistant Commissioner of Central Excise or the Deputy Commissioner of Central Excise,
as the case may be, shall, after satisfying himself,-
(i) that the claim filed is complete in every respect;
(ii) that all the documents requiring certification have been filed after due certification;
(iii) about the arithmetical accuracy of the claim,
shall refund the service tax paid on the specified service within a period of one month from the receipt
of said claim:

Provided that where the Assistant Commissioner of Central Excise or the Deputy
Commissioner of Central Excise has reason to believe that the claim, or the enclosed documents are not
in order or that there is a reason to deny such refund, he may, after recording the reasons in writing, take action, in accordance with the provisions of the said Act and the rules made thereunder;

(4) where any refund of service tax paid on specified service utilised for export of said goods has been paid to an exporter but the sale proceeds in respect of the said goods have not been realised by or
on behalf of the exporter in India within the period allowed under the Foreign Exchange Management
Act, 1999 (42 of 1999), including any extension of such period, such service tax refunded shall be recoverable under the provisions of the said Act and the rules made thereunder, as if it is a recovery of service tax erroneously refunded:-



Classification of sub-clauses of clause (105) of section 65 of the said Act

Taxable Services











Service  provided  to  an  exporter by   an   insurer,   including   a   re- insurer              carrying       on     general insurance  business  in  relation  to insurance of said goods.

Exporter  shall  submit  document  issued by  the  insurer,  including  re-insurer,  for payment  of  insurance  premium  and  the document  shall  be  specific  to  export goods  and  shall  be  in  the  name  of  the exporter.





Service provided by a port or any person  authorised  by  the  port  in respect   of   the   export   of   said goods.




Service  provided  by  a  technical testing  and  analysis  agency,  in relation  to  technical  testing  and analysis of said goods.




Service  provided  by  a  technical inspection        and       certification agency  in  relation  to  inspection




and certification of export goods.




Service provided by other port or any   person   authorised   by   that port in respect for export of said goods.




(i) Service provided for transport of  said  goods  from  the  inland container  depot  to  the  port  of export;


(ii)     Service     provided      to    an exporter  in  relation  to  transport of export goods directly from the place         of removal, to               inland container depot or port or airport, as  the  case  may  be,  from  where the goods are exported.

(i)   Exporter      shall     certify     that     the benefit  of  exemption  provided  vide notification   number   18/2009-S.T. has not been claimed; and

(ii)  details,  those  are  specified  in  the

invoice     of    exporter      relating     to export      goods,      are     specifically mentioned  in  the  lorry  receipt  and the corresponding shipping bill.



(i) Service provided for transport of  said  goods  from  the  inland container  depot  to  the  port  of export, and

(ii)    services     provided      to    an exporter  in  relation  to  transport of export goods directly from the place         of removal  to              inland container depot or port or airport, as  the  case  may  be,  from  where the goods are exported.

Invoice    issued    by    the    exporter    in relation  to  export  goods  shall  indicate the  inland  container  depot  or  port  or airport    from    where    the    goods    are exported.



Specialised cleaning services namely disinfecting, exterminating, sterilising or fumigating of containers used for export of said goods provided to an exporter.




Service provided for storage and warehousing of said goods.




Service   provided   by   a   courier agency to an exporter in relation to        transportation         of      time- sensitive   documents,   goods   or articles  relating  to  export,  to  a destination outside India.

(i)  The  receipt  issued  by  the  courier agency     shall     specify     the    importer- exporter   code   (IEC)   number   of   the exporter, export invoice number, nature of   courier,  destination   of   the   courier including   name   and   address   of   the




recipient of the courier; and



(ii)      exporter       produces       documents relating  to  the  use  of  courier  service  to export goods.



Service   provided   by   a   custom house agent in relation to export goods exported by the exporter.

Exporter shall produce,-



(i) invoice issued by custom house agent for        providing      services     specified      in column (3) specifying,-


(a) number and date of shipping bill;



(b)  number  and  date  of  the  invoice issued by the exporter relating to export goods;


(c)  details  of  all  the  charges,  whether or  not  reimbursable,  collected  by  the custom house agent from the exporter in relation to export goods;


(ii)   details   of   other   taxable   services provided by the said custom house agent and received by the exporter, whether or not relatable to export goods.



(i) Service provided in relation to collection of export bills;


(ii)  Service  provided  in  relation to export letters of credit such as advising   commission,   advising amendment,               confirmation charges;


(iii)  Service  of  purchase  or  sale of   foreign   currency,   including money  changing  provided  to  an exporter   in   relation   to   export goods.




Service  of  purchase  or  sale  of foreign        currency        including money  changing  provided  to  an exporter   in   relation   to   export goods.




Service   of   supply   of   tangible goods        for       use,       without transferring  right  of  possession and  effective  control  of  tangible goods, provided to an exporter in relation to goods exported by the exporter.




Service  provided  by  a  clearing and  forwarding  agent  in  relation to  export  goods  exported  by  the exporter.

Exporter shall produce,-

(i)   invoice   issued   by   clearing   and forwarding agent for providing services specified in column (3) specifying,-

(a) number and date of shipping bill;

(b) description of export goods;

(c)  number  and  date  of  the  invoice issued by the exporter relating to export goods;

(d)  details  of  all  the  charges,  whether or  not  reimbursable,  collected  by  the clearing  and  forwarding  agent  from the exporter in relation to export goods;

(ii)   details   of   other   taxable   services provided   by   the   said   clearing   and forwarding  agent  and  received  by  the exporter,   whether   or   not   relatable   to export goods.


classified under any sub-clause of clause (105) of section 65.

Payment  of  service  tax  paid  on services   commonly   known   as terminal handling charges.


(Prashant Kumar)
Under Secretary to the Government of India

Form- A1
[see Paragraph 2(b) and 2(e)]

Application for claiming Refund of Service Tax paid under Notification No.17/2009-S.T., dated 07 -
The Deputy/Assistant Commissioner of Central Excise


I/We claim refund of Rs........... (Rupees in words ) under Notification No.17/2009-ST. dated
07.07.2009 in respect of service tax paid on services used for export of goods

1. Name of the exporter:
2. Membership number Of the Export Council:
3. Name of the Export Council:
4. Address of the registered / head office of exporter:
5. Telephone Number and e-mail ID of the exporter:
6. Division ……… Commissionerate ……………
7. Central Excise / Service Tax Registration Number/ STC (for merchant exporter)
8. Import Export Code Number…………..
9. Details of Bank Account (Name of Bank, branch address and account number)

10. Details of the refund claim (separately for each Shipping Bill):

( Rupees in thousand)

S. No.

Details of goods exported on which refund of service tax claimed.

Details of shipping bill/ Bill of export, etc.


Details of goods exported.




Date of Let export order.

Bill of lading or Airway bill Number.


Descriptio n of goods exported.












Details of specified services used for export of goods mentioned in

Columns 2  and 3.




Documents attached to evidence the amount of service tax paid and establish the use of service in exports.


Total amount of service tax claimed as refund.


Name of service provider.

Service Tax Registrati on  No.

Invo ice No


attac h origi nal invoi

Dat e.

Descriptio n of specified service.

Classifica tion under the Finance Act,


Total amoun t of service tax paid.


In Figure s.

As a perce ntage of f.o.b. value in shipp ing







































9. Declaration:-

I / We hereby declare that-

(i) the information given in this application form is true, correct and complete in every respect and that I
am authorised to sign on behalf of the exporter;

(ii) no CENVAT credit of service tax paid on the specified services used for export of said goods shall
be taken under the CENVAT Credit Rules, 2004;

(iii) the exemption has been claimed for service tax which has been actually paid on the specified services;

(iv) I / we shall maintain records pertaining to export goods and the taxable services used for export of the said goods and shall make available, at the declared premises, at all reasonable time, such records
for inspection and examination by the Central Excise Officer authorised in writing by the jurisdictional Assistant Commissioner of Central Excise or the Deputy Commissioner of Central Excise, as the case may be.


Place: Signature and full address of Exporter
(Affix stamp)

Form A-2
[see Paragraph 2(d)]
Declaration to be given by merchant exporter under Clause 2(c) of the notification No. 17/2009- ST
dated 07/07//2009

1. Name of the exporter:
2. Address of the registered office or head office of the Exporter :
3. Permanent Account Number (PAN) of the Exporter :
4. Import Export Code (IEC) of the Exporter :
5. Details of Bank Account of the Exporter :
(a) Name of the Bank :
(b) Name of the Branch :
(c) Account Number :
6. (a) Constitution of Exporter [Proprietorship /Partnership /Registered Private Limited Company
/Registered Public Limited Company /Others (specify)]

(b) Name, address and telephone number of proprietor /partner /director
7. Name, designation and address of the authorised signatory / signatories:
8. I / We hereby declare that-
(i) the information given in this application form is true, correct and complete in every respect and that I am authorised to sign on behalf of the exporter;
(ii) I / we shall maintain records pertaining to export goods and the taxable services used for
export of the said goods and shall make available, at the declared premises, at all reasonable time, such records for inspection and examination by the Central Excise Officer authorised in writing by the jurisdictional Assistant Commissioner of Central Excise or the Deputy Commissioner of Central Excise, as the case may be.

ate: Place:

(Signature of the applicant / authorised person with stamp)


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